
Life here in Argentina is fun, although a bit hectic. Sometimes I feel like we do more walking that anything else, but we're making progress.

I've also been learning about the importance of member missionary work. What I've learned is that no one will come to church or be reactivated or take any steps in the Gospel unless they are invited, and inviting is NOT "Well, maybe, if you wanted..." If you truly love someone you will do everything you can to persuade them to take steps towards their own salvation. In the scriptures, the greatest members of the church spread the gospel at every opportunity with all of the power they posses. We cannot expect to be called "blessed" by the Lord unless we are diligent. I've come to realize that all of the relationships in the world mean absolutely nothing unless they translate to friendship and fellowship in the world to come.

About half of the active members of the ward can say my name now, which is cool. Who knew that "Rasband" could be so difficult? Unfortunately, the other half of the ward has decided to call me Elder Batman. I guess that nickname is going to stick after all.

Elder Rasband