

Paul arrives home on Saturday afternoon THIS WEEK!  He's worked hard, and we're all very excited to see him again.

He will report his mission on Sunday, March 27th at 9:00 am.  Email paultrasband@gmail for more details.


Well, Here I am

It feels weirder writing home every week. I’ve given up on trying not to admit that I'm trunky. We’re still working very hard, but it doesn’t bother me to talk about my plans for after the mission anymore.

Last week was really interesting. We’re working really hard to find new investigators, putting in practice a new assignment to have the members write down all of their friends and then pray to know who to send us to. With the increase in the size of the area, there are a lot of families to visit. A woman who is confined to a wheel chair gave us a dozen references. It was intense.

Eulogia couldn’t get baptized on the day that we’d planned. It turns out she’s not technically married to her husband. That was actually a huge oversight on our part, seeing as such couples are so common here in Argentina. She’s still working towards baptism. This week we’re all going to fast together to see if we can get her boyfriend to marry her. If you could put her name on the roll in the temple, that’d be great.

Other than that there isn’t a whole lot of news to share.

This week, we have to go to Posadas for zone conference. I’m not super excited, seeing as the missionaries in their last transfer have to pass in front to bear their testimonies. I’m not shy about my testimony, but I hate the spotlight that says “Hey look, he’s about to go home.”

At least I still have a month’s worth of miracles left to see.

Oh, and this morning the office asked for your phone number. This makes me think that you should get something about my flight plans this week.

Elder Rasband


This was the week of transfers. I stayed in the same area, but with a little surprise. Formerly, we shared the branch here with Elder Francis and his companion, but when we looked at the chart, we saw that his companionship had changed to the other branch in the city. Translation: a lot more walking on our part, and an extremely hectic first week trying to get to know the investigators that they were leaving behind.

Also, Leo decided that he didn’t want to get baptized. It seems like he’s having some pretty big problems between him and his family. I don’t know why he won’t just pray and really try to know that what we taught him is true. It would really fix everything that that family is going through. It’s always sad when things like this happen, but with Leo we really helped him in everything that he let us. I feel like we fulfilled our purpose as missionaries.

This week we do have a baptism though. Eulogia, an older lady that we found three weeks ago is really excited for her baptism. She is also going through some family problems. The branch president said that her husband is notoriously violent in the neighborhood where they live. He doesn’t hit her, but she says that she just can’t take any more. She had decided to move to Paraguay last week, but then decided against it so that she could be baptized. She’s going to wait until after the baptism to decide what she’s going to do. I have so much respect for her and the decision that she made.

Other than that, we have several investigators that would be progressing if they would only go to church. I don’t know what to do with them. It’s kind of frustrating when you try so hard to help people when they don’t see the importance of helping themselves.

Elder Francis had a really sweet tie that I’d been coveting for a long time. I kind of make a game out of trading for the best ties. Anyway, when he first got to Eldorado, I asked him where he’d gotten the tie, to sort of size up what I’d have to give him in return and he said "My girlfriend sent it to me for Christmas." What a downer. I knew that there was no way he was going to trade that tie. Then, three weeks ago he gets the "Dear John." I waited a couple of hours, to my credit, before I asked "So...that tie?" He just handed it to me. The funniest part is this: for several weeks, I didn’t dare wear the tie, because Melissa is still waiting for me and I started to look at it as kind of a bad omen. I mean, it still has “I love Elder Francis” written in sharpie on the back. Today, I finally got the courage to put it on, so thanks Melissa for not sending me a Dear John.

Elder Rasband
This was the week of transfers. I stayed in the same area, but with a little surprise. Formerly, we shared the branch here with Elder Francis and his companion, but when we looked at the chart, we saw that his companionship had changed to the other branch in the city. Translation: a lot more walking on our part, and an extremely hectic first week trying to get to know the investigators that they were leaving behind.

Also, Leo decided that he didn’t want to get baptized. It seems like he’s having some pretty big problems between him and his family. I don’t know why he won’t just pray and really try to know that what we taught him is true. It would really fix everything that that family is going through. It’s always sad when things like this happen, but with Leo we really helped him in everything that he let us. I feel like we fulfilled our purpose as missionaries.

This week we do have a baptism though. Eulogia, an older lady that we found three weeks ago is really excited for her baptism. She is also going through some family problems. The branch president said that her husband is notoriously violent in the neighborhood where they live. He doesn’t hit her, but she says that she just can’t take any more. She had decided to move to Paraguay last week, but then decided against it so that she could be baptized. She’s going to wait until after the baptism to decide what she’s going to do. I have so much respect for her and the decision that she made.

Other than that, we have several investigators that would be progressing if they would only go to church. I don’t know what to do with them. It’s kind of frustrating when you try so hard to help people when they don’t see the importance of helping themselves.

Elder Francis had a really sweet tie that I’d been coveting for a long time. I kind of make a game out of trading for the best ties. Anyway, when he first got to Eldorado, I asked him where he’d gotten the tie, to sort of size up what I’d have to give him in return and he said "My girlfriend sent it to me for Christmas." What a downer. I knew that there was no way he was going to trade that tie. Then, three weeks ago he gets the "Dear John." I waited a couple of hours, to my credit, before I asked "So...that tie?" He just handed it to me. The funniest part is this: for several weeks, I didn’t dare wear the tie, because Melissa is still waiting for me and I started to look at it as kind of a bad omen. I mean, it still has “I love Elder Francis” written in sharpie on the back. Today, I finally got the courage to put it on, so thanks Melissa for not sending me a Dear John.

Elder Rasband